1997- Stange Awrds for Meritorious Service Bestowed on Three Alumni


The Stange Award for Meritorious Service in Veterinary Medicine was instituted by the Awards Committee of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University in 1970. The award is named in honor of Dr. Charles Henry Stange who entered the curriculum at Iowa State College in 1903 and graduated with the class of1907. He became the third dean of the Veterinary Division of Iowa State College in 1909 and continued in this position until his death on May 26, 1936. The Stange Award is the highest award offered to the alumni ofIowa State University and recognizes persons who have made outstanding professional achievements in the areas of education, government, industry, practice, or other professional endeavors in veterinary medicine. The recipients for 1997 are Dr. Dale W. Longtin, Class of 1958, Dr. J. Kenneth Roach, Class of 1961, and Dr. Gabor K. Vajda, Class of 1961

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