A White Paper on the status and needs of salmonoid aquaculture in the North Central Region


Salmonids are grown in many states in the North Central Region (NCR) with a major emphasis on rainbow trout production. The North Central Regional Aquaculture Center (NCRAC) Industry Advisory Council (IAC) designated salmonids as a high priority area and research on salmonids has been supported by NCRAC since 1990. Recently concern was raised over the long-term focus of NCRAC funded research and extension activities and at the June 1999 NCRAC Board of Directors (Board) meeting, it was decided that additional white papers should be developed to help strengthen various focus areas. As a result, the Board determined that one of these white papers should be on salmonids. This white paper reviews the current status of the salmonid industry, addresses critical limiting factors and research/outreach needs, and gives recommendations for future research/extension priorities. It should be viewed as a “living document” and updated periodically as new developments occur

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