
Arte-Ciencia. ¿Expresión o instrumento?


Although Art and Science are generally conceived as different study fields, they have traditionally followed parallel paths. The link established between both activities has lasted until nowadays and has been expressed by different means. Throughout the 18th century, the European scientific expeditions used this relationship to capture the overseas fauna and flora. This fact contributed to the development of different painting techniques as well as to the transmission of American images. The painting of the Quadro de Historia Natural, Civil y Geografica del Reyno del Peru, like other paintings produced in the same years, was in charge of the diffusion of the drawings made by the members of the different expeditions.El Arte y la Ciencia, aunque hoy en dia son generalmente concebidas como dos campos diferenciados, han seguido tradicionalmente caminos paralelos. El vinculo entre ambas actividades se extiende hasta nuestros dias, siendo este expresado mediante diversas representaciones. En el siglo XVIII, las expediciones cientificas europeas, se valieron de esta relacion para plasmar la flora y fauna de Ultramar. Este hecho contribuyo al desarrollo de las diferentes tecnicas pictoricas asi como a la difusion de las imagenes americanas. La creacion del Quadro de Historia Natural, Civil y Geografica del Reyno del Peru, al igual que otras obras realizadas en estos anos, se encargo de difundir los dibujos realizados por los expedicionarios

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