
Análisis teórico del diseño instruccional desde el enfoque sistémico


The study identified the organization of different instructional design models through the application of the systemic approach. Seven documents were analyzed in order to focus on the compulsory elements, to distinguish them and to relate them. Four key elements were identified: educational agents, techno-logical instruments, contents and process of teaching-learning. High quantities of optional elements were also found and the relations between the obligatory and supportive elements were classified. It was found that the analyzed models are of a procedural character and not theoretical. Each model presents undefinitions and confusions about what to understand, when, how and which elements should be used.El estudio identificó la organización de diferentes modelos de diseño instruccional, mediante la aplicación del enfoque sistémico. Se analizaron siete documentos para seleccionar los elementos, distinguirlos y relacionarlos. Se identificaron cuatro elementos obligatorios: agentes educativos, instrumentos tecnológicos, contenidos y proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, una cantidad elevada de elementos optativos y se clasificaron las relaciones entre los elementos obligatorios como solidarias. Se encontró que los modelos analizados son de character procedimental y no teóricos. Cada uno de estos modelos presenta indefiniciones y confusiones sobre qué entender, cuándo, cómo y cuáles elementos utilizar

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