
The "Lunch With a Scientist" Project: An Information Behavior Study in an Academic H


This poster addresses the iConference themes of ???What is ???engagement??? in a research institution???? and ???personal information management.??? It presents findings from a qualitative study of information behaviors in a population of scientists and clinicians that seeks to understand how the respondents search for information, what sources of information they use, and what decisions they make around the management of their information resources. It is specifically a project that exemplifies the iConference review criterion on ???multi- (or inter- or cross-) disciplinarity??? in both its research team and its subject participants. It also speaks to the iConference review criterion of ???addressing ways in which scholarly work and educational activities can connect to constituencies beyond the iSchool community.??? The poster reports on work currently underway by an interdisciplinary team of investigators who are studying collaboration behaviors among personnel in a large multi-disciplinary clinical research environment, as part of an NIH-funded initiative in translational research. This poster is a by-product of the larger work; the larger work is focussed on two main research questions: what are the key social issues that researchers face when attempting to form collaborations and how do they currently solve these problems

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