
Evaluation of Video Detection Systems Volume 3 - Effects of Windy Conditions in the Performance of Video Detection Systems


The performance of three Video Detection Systems (VDS), namely Autoscope, Iteris, and Peek, was evaluated at stop bar and advance locations, at an instrumented signalized intersection located in Rantoul, Illinois, utilizing a side-by-side installation and large data sets covering a variety of conditions. This report contains the analysis and findings of the VDS performance under windy conditions during cloudy noon, sunny morning, and nighttime. There are three other reports that describe the effects of adverse weather, illumination, and adjusting the configuration of the VDS zones. The performance of the VDS in windy conditions was assessed based on the frequency of false, missed, stuck-on, and dropped calls (errors in detection); and was compared to calm weather scenarios (without wind). Results indicate minor wind effects during cloudy conditions at the stop bar zones, and less than 10% increases in the false calls at advance zones. In the sunny morning scenario (where long shadows were observed) false calls increased significantly at both stop bar (22-39%) and advance zones (20- 70%), missed calls increased at advance zones for one VDS, while they decreased for the other two VDS, and stuck-on calls increased by less than 2% due to the shadow of the crossing street pole. At nighttime, false calls increased at stop bar zones (5-53%), and at advance zones (2-27%), and there were small fluctuations in the percentage of missed calls.ICT-R43published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

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