
Folktales and Facets: Final Report to OCLC/ALISE


OCLC/ALISE LISRG Program - Grant report Project overview/research questions: Through the project Folktales and Facets, we propose to enhance access to folktales???in written and audiovisual formats???through the systematic and rigorous development of user- and task-focused models of information representation. The questions guiding our research include: 1) What information seeking tasks related to folktales are shared across multiple user groups? Unique to particular user groups? 2) To what degree do bibliographic records for folktales augmented with results from facet analyses and user-based task analyses support effective information retrieval compared to existing bibliographic records? 3) What characteristics of an information retrieval interface best support users??? information seeking needs and augmented records searching related to folktales? Description of Phase 1 Activities (for which we are received support through the OCLC/ALISE Research Grant Program) (1) Identifying representative informants from among the scholarly users of the folktale collection in the Center for Children's Books, (2) Conducting task analyses of these informants' information seeking processes related to folktales, (3) Conducting facet analyses of the collection and common access methods (4) Developing a prototype for the enhanced records.OCLC and ALISE LISRGPunpublishednot peer reviewe

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