
Aero-Thermodynamics Optimization of Re-Entry Capsule in the Slip Flow Regime


We carry out numerical simulations to optimize the re- entry capsule configurations based on aero-thermodynamic properties such as drag, pressure and heat load. The open source software OpenFOAM is used with the compress- ible computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver rhoCen- tralFoam. CFD solver is implemented with the first-order Maxwell’s velocity slip and the Smoluchowski temperature jump boundary conditions. We report results for different altitudes and Mach numbers with varying second cone an- gle and bluntness of the re-entry capsule. It is noted that the heat loads are greatly reduced by changing the capsule con- figuration from single to bi-cone. With increasing second cone angle heat loads are enhanced, but the average drag and pressure coefficients found to be least sensitive. How- ever, with increase in bluntness the average value of heat load decrease slightly and the peak value significantly, while drag values exhibit contrasting behaviour

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