
New sensors benchmark report on WorldView-3


Imagery collected by recently launched WorldView-3 satellite can be potentially used in The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) image acquisition Campaign. The qualification and certificate is conducted by performing benchmarking tests namely, it has to be checked whether planimetric accuracy of produced orthoimagery does not exceed certain values regulated by JRC. Therefore, benchmarking tests were carried out on two WorldView-3 imagery acquired in October and November 2014. This report describes in detail how the tests were performed i.e. auxiliary data used, methodology and workflow as well as outcome from the Internal Quality Control. However, to make the tests objective, the orthoimagery was handed to JRC for External Quality Control which is a base for certification of the sensor. Such external QC has been performed by the JRC and included in Chapter 7.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat

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