
Cross-border Data-sharing Pilots


The Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure (DRDSI) project currently provides access to more than 6 500 datasets, relevant for one or more Priority Areas of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). These datasets can act as a solid foundation for integration of scientific knowledge into the policy making process on different levels (local, regional and international). From the perspective of macroregional strategies, this would only be possible if data can be used across borders and domains, and put in the right context. That is why the DRDSI project aims at establishing a series of pilot projects which would (i) fill existing gaps through the establishment of missing infrastructure components, such as discovery and view services, (ii) harmonise datasets for cross-border and cross-domains, and (iii) demonstrate the benefit of scientific data for policy support through the creation of value-added products. This JRC technical report aims to provide a synthesised overview of the pilot projects which will be finalised in 2016.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat

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