A revisao do indicador LSI003 da terra e do solo e a gestao de locais contaminados na Europa


In recent years, public and private organizations are producing more evidence of the current and long-term impacts on human health and the environment from exposure to contaminants from soil and groundwater. This is very relevant at the local level1, around contaminated sites, but has also implications at regional and national level. Following the initiative of the WHO meeting in Syracuse (2011) and Catania (2012); Directorate General of the Environment of the European Commission produced in 2013 the report "Soil pollution, impacts on human health" and the Joint Research Centre published in 2014 the report "Progress in the management of contaminated sites in Europe". A set of indicators contributes to the Core Set Indicator “Progress in the Management of Contaminated Sites” (CSI015) of the European Environment Agency (EEA), which is used for reporting on the State of the Environment (SOER 2015).JRC.H.5-Land Resources Managemen

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