FISHERIES DATA COLLECTION FRAMEWORK - The DCF Reporting and Implementation Cycles and the Data End-user Feedback


Every year the Member States Data Collection (DCF) Annual Reports and Data Transmission to the data end-user are evaluated by the STECF regarding the (a) the execution of the national programs approved by the Commission; and (b) the quality of the data collected by the Member States. For that, aside of the Annual reports on the activities developed by each MS, also the data end-user should provide feedback on the data received, and in specific identify the problems these data might have. This is a process that imports to be seen and used as positive input to streamline the collection and transmission of data and to foster incrementally higher quality standards to the EU MS data. For such to happen, it is also of importance that the feedback received from the end-user to be of enough detail to allow a proper assessment and the identification of the linkage between the data gap and the reason for such gap on the source. In this report the conclusion from STECF EWG 1510 on the ways to improve the annual end-user feedback are further explored and detailed with the aim of supporting future exercises and in specific to aid on the dialogue between the Commission and the DCF data end-users on this regard.JRC.G.3-Maritime affair

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