
Model based CFP indicators, F/Fmsy and SSB Mediterranean region case study


This work presents the application to Mediterranean stocks of a set of model-based indicators, being developed for monitoring the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The work constitutes an application of the methodology, as such the results should not be used as representative of the CFP implementation in the Mediterranean. This document is mainly constituted of R code, showing how the indicators can be computed and presenting a set of diagnostics and stability tests. The models tested were a linear model, a linear mixed effects model with random intercept by stock, a GAMM with random intercept by stock and a GAMM with random intercept by Mediterranean GSA and species. The stability tests were designed to evaluate the estimates of recent (2003-2013) time series of trends in SSB and annual mean values of F/Fmsy. The results were presented to the STECF's 2015 winter plenary (STECF-PLEN-15-03).JRC.G.3-Maritime affair

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