
Study on methodological aspects regarding limit values for pollutants in aggregates in the context of the possible development of end-of-waste criteria under the EU Waste Framework Directive


This report provides a methodology proposal for establishing limit values for pollutants in waste-derived aggregates with a view of using such aggregates in a wide variety of construction projects, as part of possible end-of-waste criteria for aggregates in accordance with Article 6 of the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). More specifically, the study centres on aggregate substances that are subject to leaching and/or release through wear. The report focuses on identifying and assessing the pollution risks of using aggregates derived from waste, on reviewing how the use of aggregates is regulated today in the EU with respect to avoiding pollution, on assessing the need for including limit values for pollutants in end-of-waste criteria, on assessing the suitability of different types of pollutant limit values, on identifying and assessing the different methodological approaches for deriving pollutant limit values and on identifying the most suitable testing approaches and methods, including simplified modes of compliance.JRC.J.5-Sustainable Production and Consumptio

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