
DCF Data Call Coverage Report for the Mediterranean and Black Sea in 2014


DG Mare called the DCF Data from Member States in the Mediterranean and Black Sea on April 2014, defining the deadline of 9 June 2014 for data submissions from member states, under the Community Framework of Data Collection Regulation (DCR) (Council Regulation (EC) № 199/2008 of 25th February 2008). A second deadline specific for the Black Sea was established on 8 September 2014. The data call also defined a third deadline 12 January 2015 for the submission of trawl surveys data for Mediterranean MS. aruptii. The DCF data submitted by national correspondents are duly evaluated in the present coverage report by JRC DCF team as part of an Administrative Arrangement with DG MARE. The report provides a detailed review of the timeliness and completeness of data submissions by Member States.JRC.G.3-Maritime affair

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