The research was carried out to investigate the cost efficiency of selected European fisheries. First, the literature was reviewed for existing information, second the country case studies were investigated. Third, the four management regimes were investigated from the perspective of management costs. The data from the case studies then was used to assess the management regime innovations and change in the management costs after the new regimes were introduced. The interviews with the experts from the countries investigated were performed.
Findings show that data availability is the big issue in solving the question of how much fisheries management cost in selected European cases. On the other hand, from the data acquired it became clear that the government spending on fisheries management usually does not depend on the change in fisheries management regime. This was observed in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Spain. Only the Polish case showed that higher number of technical regulations applied to fisheries led to higher management and control costs and consequently research costs. This was observed when Poland joined EU and had to adhere to CFP regulations. It is expected though that enforcement and research costs would decrease in the long run once the innovative regimes, for example participatory governance, are introduced.
With the changing management system, the increase in costs is obvious for the new fisheries management system participants and in some cases decision makers ¿ fishermen.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair