
ASTRA 3.0: Logical and Probabilistic Analysis Methods


This report contains the description of the main methods, implemented in ASTRA 3.0, to analyse coherent and non-coherent fault trees. ASTRA 3.0 is fully based on the Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) approach. In case of non-coherent fault trees ASTRA 3.0 dynamically assigns to each node of the graph a label that identifies the type of the associated variable in order to drive the application of the most suitable analysis algorithms. The resulting BDD is referred to as Labelled BDD (LBDD). Exact values of the unavailability, expected number of failure and repair are calculated; the unreliability upper bound is automatically determined under given conditions. Five different importance measures of basic events are also provided. From the LBDD a ZBDD embedding all the MCS is obtained from which a subset of Significant Minimal Cut Sets (SMCS) is determined through the application of the cut-off techniques. With very complex trees it may happen that the working memory is not sufficient to store the large LBDD structure. In these cases ASTRA 3.0 completes the analysis by constructing a Reduced ZBDD embedding the SMCS - using cut-off techniques - thus by-passing the construction of the LBDD. The report also contains few tutorials on the usefulness of non-coherent fault trees, on the BDD approach, and on the determination of failure and repair frequencies.JRC.DG.G.7-Traceability and vulnerability assessmen

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