
Participation in Lifelong Learning in Europe: What Can Be Measured and Compared?


This publication analyses participation patterns in lifelong learning in the European countries. It describes the European political context in the field of lifelong learning and discusses the main monitoring issues at the EU level by looking at the EU benchmark set up in this area. Indicators on participation in education and training at various life-time stages are as well presented and analysed in the publication. A composite measure of the overall participation in lifelong learning for European countries is constructed and analysed in the publication. The lifelong learning index shows some progress in the European Union as a whole, mainly due to progress in pre-school and school/higher education participation. But it is too slow to reach the benchmark by 2010 unless major progress is achieved in participation in adult learning, where equity needs to be more fully addressed. In particular, some new Member states will have to increase their participation rates substantially, in order to catch up with the European average.JRC.G.9-Econometrics and statistical support to antifrau

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