
Preparation and Verification of QUAD Uranium Isotopic Reference Material IRMM-3100a


The isotopic reference material IRMM-3100a was prepared by gravimetrical dilution of IRMM-3101. The primary solution IRMM-3101 was designed such that the material consists of equivalent parts of four individual isotopes n(233U)/n(235U)/n(236U)/n(238U) with a ratio of one. The certified isotope amount ratio for ratio n(233U)/n(236U) has been established by mass metrology and was verified by isotope mass spectrometry. The certified ratios n(234U)/n(236U), n(235U)/n(236U) and n(238U)/n(236U) have been measured by TIMS in multi-dynamic mode and using the n(233U)/n(236U) ratio for internal normalization. The preparation of IRMM-3101 is in full described elsewhere. [1] The Isotopic Reference Material IRMM-3100a is part of a systematic IRMM programme to supply Isotopic Reference Materials of various isotopes at different concentrations. The Isotopic Reference Material is supplied in a quartz ampoule containing 0.5 mL of a 1 M nitric acid solution.JRC.DG.D.2-Reference material

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