
The Use of Data and Models for Assessing the Equilibrium Partitioning Approach for Analysising Environmental Quality Standards in the Water Column and in the Sediments


An analysis of experimental and simulated data has been performed to study the relationships between EQS defined for surface waters in the Daughter Directive (COM (2006) 397) and possible EQS defined for sediments. From the above analysis of experimental and simulated data, it is clear that even though there is a coupling between water column and sediments, it is not possible to assess the chemical quality status of sediments based on water column data and viceversa. At the moment EQS have been defined for the water column and therefore these EQS will assess only the compliance with good chemical status of surface waters. If EQS were to be defined for sediments, these EQS will not reflect systematically the surface water quality and therefore they could not be used for this purpose, being the contrary is also true, i.e. compliance with EQS values for water column does not reflect sediment chemical status. However, it is clear that the good chemical quality of a water body will depend on having good chemical quality of surface water and sediments and that to assess both it is necessary to measure in both media. The same EQS developed for water could, in principle, be applied to porewater, hence, there is no need of developing another set of EQS. If porewater could not be measured, then the partitioning approach to pass to sediment concentrations should be applied. However, in this case an additional uncertainty is added to the procedure and therefore it is necessary to develop to develop new techniques and better databases since at the moment the predictions are between several orders of magnitude, which are not adequate for setting EQS. Additionally, the use of this approach would certainly require the characterization of the sediments in terms of its physical (grain size, material, temperature), chemical (organic matter content, black carbon, pH, redox, etc.) and biological (e.g. bioturbation), which at the moment are not obtained from standard environmental monitoring.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

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