
Summary Results of the LPIS Survey 2008


The purpose of this report is to provide an overview on the most interesting findings during analysis of the questionnaire. This questionnaire was organized in the framework of workshop ¿LPIS application and quality¿ which took place in Sofia (Bulgaria), 17-18 September 2008. It is a continuation of our efforts on gathering information about the current status of LPIS systems in the EU. The previous questionnaire was organized in 2006 and was mainly focused on issues of the sources of information, on the methodological approaches in use for the LPIS update with particular attention on the compliance of the LPIS in respect to the 75%/90% rule. The questionnaire of 2008 continues to look for LPIS update techniques, trying to identify what is new. But in comparison to the questionnaire of 2006, this year higher attention was given to thematic consistency of geographic data sets stored in LPIS. The EU regulations call for an as-precise-as-possible quantification of the area which is eligible for direct payments. Therefore, a logical organisation of the geographic data and thematic content (e.g classification of land use/land cover) should provide for a maximum reflection of concepts, which laid down in the Regulation. In order to keep the survey short and provide space for new questions we skipped the topics concerning LPIS initial creation, data dissemination/integration and Web issues.JRC.G.3-Monitoring agricultural resource

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