Determination of POPs in Environmental Matrices - Proficiency Tests for Polish Laboratories


Thirty Polish laboratories participated in a proficiency tests (PT) for determination of persistant organic pollutants - POPs (PCBs - Polychlorinated Biphenyles, PAHs - Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and pesticides) in solid environmental matrices (sediments, soil). Participants used their in-house method. The aim of the exercises was to obtain the information about the "state of the art" of POPs analysis in evironmental samples. The CV (Coefficient of Variation) of analytical results submitted varied from 45 to 65 %, with an outlier rate 2 to 7 %. The averages of results for all analytes were in good agreement with reference values. Statistical treatment of results was made. Comparison of the each result with the certified values characterizing the materials has been done. Additionally, z-scores were calculated taking into account the uncertainty of a certified value and the acceptable deviation from the certified value in the range of -20% to +10% (in accordance with recommendations in the newest directives of European Union).JRC.D.2-Reference material

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