Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education (AMPERE)
A microwave unit for internal gelation of metal nitride solutions at 2.45 GHz microwave radiation is presented. In the majority of cases previous investigations examined the use of frequencies in the x-band range (6 to 12 GHz). The challenge of the recent work is to apply 2.45 GHz ISM frequency instead. A microwave unit was selected and designed with the final goal of its implantation in a "glovebox", where radio-active materials are handled. Microwave radiation is supplied by a 2 kW coaxial line, which eventually can be fed through the glovebox wall, thereby permitting the microwave source to be located outside of the glovebox. Droplets of the metal nitride solution are allowed to fall by gravity through the resonator while being heated by microwave energy. Due to the very short residence times of the droplets in the resonator, the drop generating nozzle is introduced directly into the microwave field. By this means the residence time is increased due to the time of droplet formation at the nozzle tip.JRC.E.4-Nuclear fuel