
Teaching Children About Reading


Teaching children to read has been a central focus of our educational system for over 350 years. Despite the variety of subjects treated in school, reading usually has been viewed as the most prominent of "the three R's." Teachers, parents and interested citizens today voice similar concern for reading. Despite efforts to instill in all children the ability to read and the habit of reading, schools are under attack for an apparent decline in student reading achievement. School critics cite poor instruction, cluttered curricula and a loss of teacher professionalism as major factors. School supporters counter with the argument that the range of students who remain in school has increased, causing score averages to decline; however, the average student today is better educated and knows more about his world than his counterpart of fifty years ago. 1 Both groups also note changes in social climate, especially with the family unit, and the advent of television as major contributors to reading problems.published or submitted for publicatio

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