Presented on August 28, 2009 at 2:00 pm in room 2443 of the Klaus Advanced Computing Building on the Georgia Tech campus.Jarek Rossignac (IC, will present an overview of his recent research activities (with collaborators and students) and open challenges in shape and animation processing. These include: - SOT: Compact representation of tetrahedral meshes - J-splines: C^4 subdivision curves, surfaces, and animation - SAM: Steady interpolating affine motion - OCTOR: Exceptions in steady patterns - Pearling: Realtime segmentation of tubular structures in images and 3D medical scans - Surgem: Heart surgery planning and optimization based on blood flow simulation - APL: Aquatic Propulsion Lab, tools for designing and simulating swimming strategies - Ball map: Tangent-ball correspondence and compatibility between pairs of shapes - Ball-morph: Interpolation and applications to entertainment and medical surface reconstruction