
Beyond the Tutorial: Complex Content Models in Fedora 3


4th International Conference on Open RepositoriesThis presentation was part of the session : Fedora User Group PresentationsDate: 2009-05-21 08:30 AM – 10:00 AMThe University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center recently began a pilot project to create a digital collection of learning objects stored in a Fedora 3.1 repository. This pilot project is the proof-of-concept of many ideas and discussions, extending back for over five years, concerning the problem of storing, searching, and retrieving heterogeneous objects and object types, linked together in complex relations, in a way that is loosely coupled with front-end user display applications. During the course of this presentation, we will describe the issues we've confronted implementing increasingly rich digital collections over the past decade (including some real-life examples of complex digital objects), models we have developed with to resolve many of those issues, and how we have started implementing those models in Fedora 3.1, using the new Content Model functionality

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