Emerging Cyber Security Threats


Welcome address by Mustaque Ahamad, Director, Georgia Tech Information Security Center, Professor, College of Computing. Opening remarks by Sy Goodman, Professor and Co-Director, Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy ; Chris Rouland, Adjunct Lecturer College of Computing. Introduction by Tom Noonan, former chairman, president and chief executive officer of Internet Security Systems, Inc. Keynote address: Global Operations and Mission Assurance in a Contested Cyber Environment by Lt. General Robert J. Elder, Jr., Commander Eighth Air Force, Barksdale Air Force Base. Panel Discussions: Moderator: Thomas E. Noonan, Entrepreneur ; Mischel Kwon, Director, United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team; National Cyber Security Division, U.S. Department of Homeland Security ; Wenke Lee, Associate Professor, Georgia Tech Information Security Center ; Morris Moore, Vice President of Security Technology, Motorola's Applied Research and Technology Center ; Jon Ramsey, Chief Technology Officer, SecureWorks ; Jim Ransome, Senior Director, Secure Unified Wireless and Mobility Solutions Corporate Security Programs and Global Government Solutions, Cisco ; Heath Thompson, Director, Product Development, IBM/Internet Security System

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