Evolutional Science and Engineering of Correlated Electron Matter


New types of superconducting and magnetic phenomena emerge in correlated electron matters. Strong electron-correlation effect gives rich phenomena and functions in condensed matters, being key-concept for heavy-electron materials, itinerant electron magnets, high-transition-temperature cupper-oxide superconductors, novel transition- metal oxides, and organic conductors, magnets and superconductors.We begin with a perspective view on these materials. An overview on experimental techniques, that are powerful tools for investigating these phenomena, are given, focusing on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Neutron Scattering (NS) experiments. On the basis of microscopic information obtained by these techniques, we address intriguing properties in correlated electron matters and their physical backgrounds. The important functions and central physics of superconductivity are reviewed on conventional materials so as to be able to capture its basic concept. Strongly correlated superconductivity is also remarked for understanding of a new concept for superconductivity mediated by magnetic interactions. Potential application of correlated electron matters to technology is presented focusing on "Spintronics" or "Strongly Correlated Electronics."大阪大学OpenCourseWare:大学院講義 (留学生向け特別プログラムから

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