
ProThes: Thesaurus-based Meta-Search Engine for a Specific Application Domain


In this poster we introduce ProThes, a pilot meta-search engine (MSE) for a specific application domain. ProThes combines three approaches: meta-search, graphical user interface (GUI) for query specification, and thesaurus-based query techniques. ProThes attempts to employ domain-specific knowledge, which is represented by both a conceptual thesaurus and results ranking heuristics. Since the knowledge representation is separated from the MSE core, adjusting the system to a specific domain is trouble free. Thesaurus allows for manual query building and automatic query techniques. This poster outlines the overall system architecture, thesaurus representation format, and query operations. ProThes is implemented on J2EE platform as a Web service.The project was supported in part by the Russian Fund of Basic Research, grant # 03-07-90342

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