
Living On The Edge : quality of life in Balkhu Squatter Settlement, Nepal


Anup Khanal, Living on the Edge, Quality of life in Balkhu Squatter Settlement, Nepal, 87 pages, 2 appendixes, Language: English. Helsinki. Fall 2014, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Programme in Social Services, Bachelor of Social Services, Focus in Community Development Work. This study is carried out in a squatter settlement in Balkhu, Nepal. The study is a part of the project conducted by Diaconia University of Applied Sciences with its partner St. Xavier College, Nepal and Turku University of Applied Sciences between mid- September to mid- January in the year 2013. The aim of this paper is to assess the quality of life in Balkhu Squatter settlement in subjective and objective wellbeing. Mixed method of data collection is used to gather qualitative and quantitative data from survey, participant direct observation, interview, image and video. The data collected were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings of this study indicate that quality of life of Balkhu squatter community is not satisfactory in both objective and subjective approach. The community lack objective wellbeing such as clean living environment, water and electricity facility, safe shelter, employment opportunity and education opportunity. The community is subjected to cultural, social and economic marginalization. The subjective wellbeing indicated people live in fear and are not satisfied with the present condition and surroundings. Communication is lacking between in the community and between the stakeholders. Study concludes that, in order to uplift the quality of life of Balkhu settlement basic need of the community needs to be improved. Reforms and projects must be carried out under various domains such as social, cultural, economic, health, sanitation, water , electricity, education and civic. Co-operation and dialogue with governmental bodies, NGOs, INGOs and stakeholder in needed to share the information and address the issues in the community. Subjective findings are helpful to assess the impact of present facilities. This study provides a holistic view of the Balkhu squatter settlement under various different domains

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