Organization and Simplification of High-Resolution 3D City Facades


This paper describes an approach for the organization and simplification of high-resolution geometry and imagery data for 3D buildings for interactive city navigation. At the highest level of organization, building data are inserted into a global hierarchy that supports the large-scale storage of cities around the world. This structure also provides fast access to the data suitable for interactive visualization. At this level the structure and simplification algorithms deal with city blocks. An associated latitude and longitude coordinate for each block is used to place it in the hierarchy. Each block is decomposed into building facades. A facade is a texture-mapped polygonal mesh representing one side of a city block. Therefore, a block typically contains four facades, but it may contain more. The facades are partitioned into relatively flat surfaces called faces. A texture-mapped polygonal mesh represents the building facades. By simplifying the faces first instead of the facades, the dominant characteristics of the building geometry are maintained. At the lowest level of detail, each face is simplified into a single texture-mapped polygon. An algorithm is presented for the simplification transition between the high- and low-detail representations of the faces. Other techniques for the simplification of entire blocks and even cities are discussed

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