The goal of the project was to develop a simple content management system that could
be easily used both as a standalone web application and as a part of a more complex
system. The application was supposed to consist of several key modules: commentary
engine, search engine, navigation system and authentication system.
To create a content management system the implementations of the most common
design patterns provided by PHP Zend Framework were used. The application was
developed and tested on Ubuntu Linux with Apache web server and MySQL database
The final version of the project represented a content management system with a
navigation system based on item categorization. The application consisted of multiple
classes: the ones provided by Zend Framework and the ones created to fulfill
application-specific requirements. The system extensively used the benefits of object
oriented programming and the model-view-controller design pattern.
The results of the project allowed making several conclusions. First, although it is faster
to develop the application using the agile programming model, such a technique leads to
less optimized code then, if the design of the application was supported by a unified
modeling language. Second, object-oriented programming provides the application with
a high level of reusability and also makes it possible to employ only certain parts of the