
"March 21, 1996."Kraft recovery furnace modeling capability: project F016/3605-02 / T. Grace, S. Lien, W. Schmidl ; The pyrolysis of fuel nitrogen from black liquor / Denise M. Martin ; Closed mill operations - Task: Impact and control of nonprocess elements (NPE's) / Patrick Bryant ; Closed mill operations - Status: Novel metholds of metals removal - iron / Alan Rudie, Fadi Chakar, Giselle Ow Yang ; Closed mill operations - Task: Electro-membrane purge of chloride / Peter Pfromm, Maribeth Amundsen ; Closed mill operations - Task: VOC control in kraft mills / Junyong Zhu, Patrick Bryant, Gary Heedick ; Closed mill operations Task: Fundamental of dregs removal / H Jeff Empie, Maribeth Amundsen ; Closed mill - black liquor gasification: project F017 / JY Zhu ; Incremental kraft recovery capacity using mixtures of black liquor and bleach plant effluents: project 4122 / Jeff Empie, Garry Heedick ; A kinetic and mass transfer characterization of limestone sorption of hydrochloric acid in an acoustic field / James Boerner

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