Simple Breeding Method and Basic Biology of Campsomeris annulata( Hymenoptera: Scoliidae)


緒言 材料と方法 結果 考察 要約本研究ではコガネムシ類の幼虫に対する天敵であるヒメハラナガツチバチの簡易飼育法及び基礎生態について調べた.ヒメハラナガツチバチの成虫は,25%のハチミツを与える事で飼育する事ができ,採卵については,直径12cmほどのカップに,煮沸消毒したのち冷まして水をよく絞った水苔を薄く詰め,そこに雌とドウガネブイブイの3 齢幼虫を1 匹ずつ入れて暗所に1日置く事で卵を得る事が出来た.越冬明けの雌の平均産卵数は23.63 ± 10.77 個で,平均寿命は37.00 ±15.96 日であった.また,卵を20℃,25℃,30℃で飼育し,有効積算温量と発育零点を算出したところ,それぞれ433.5 日度, 15.08℃であった.成虫までの死亡率は,20℃で72.3%,25℃で49.3%,30℃では57.1%であり,20℃で有意に高い傾向が見られた.また,25℃と30℃では,産卵日時の遅い個体ほど,死亡率が高くなる傾向が見られた.成虫の寿命は,雄が平均72.18 ± 42.14 日,雌が平均95.30 ± 55.20 日で,雌が有意に長かった.また幼虫期に20℃で飼育した個体では,25℃,30℃で飼育した個体に比べて有意に寿命が短い傾向が見られた.Campsomeris annulata (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae) is an important natural enemy of scarabaeid beetle grubs. However, few studies have addressed their effective rearing procedure and basic biology, so far. We developed the simple breeding method and investigated the basic biology of C. annulata. The last instar grubs of Anomala cuprea were used as a suitable host of C. annulata. An oviposition by female C. annulata was induced with a host grub and the sphagnum moss in a plastic cup, which was kept under a constant dark environment for one night. Overwintered females collected from the field oviposited an average of 23.63±10.77( SD) eggs during their lifetime when kept at 25℃ . Their average longevity was 37.00 ± 15.96 days. Developmental threshold temperature and thermal constant of C. annulata were 15.08 ℃ and 433.5 degree day, respectively. The mortalities during the immature development were 72% , 49% and 57.1% at 20℃ , 25℃ and 30℃ , respectively. The mortality was significantly high at 20℃ . Curiously, under 25℃ and 30℃ conditions, the offspring mortality was significantly higher when they were laid later in the mothers’ life. The longevities of adult wasps in the 25℃ 16L8D condition were an average of 72.18 ± 42.14 days in males and 95.30 ± 55.20 days in females; females lived significantly longer than males. The longevity of the wasps that had bred at 20℃ during the immature development was shorter than those at 25℃ and 30℃ . The current results complement the previous fragmentary field observations of C. annulata and help the understanding of its general biology

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