Physical Water Quality and Algal Density for Remediation of Algal Blooms in Tropical Shallow Eutrophic Reservoir


Papers reported in the 9th International Symposium on \u22Novel Carbon Resource Sciences\u22 Nov. 2-3, 2012This study is on physical water quality data with regards to algal bloom occurrence in a shallow eutrophic reservoir in Malaysia. Some of the important physical parameters emphasized for future remedial studies for the Semberong Dam, a tropical reservoir, are dissolved oxygen, temperature and light intensity. The use of Planktothrix culture as a dominant algae or a mixed culture with a spike of this dominant algae is suggested for remedial study. Other influencing factors for consideration are food-web interaction such as influence of macrophytes; metereological mainly climatic features, wind-flows and rainfall; as well as hydrological factors such as water inflows, lake size and depth, catchment area apart from human and agricultural activities effecting algal bloom formation

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