Marketing structure and transaction pattern diversification of fresh milk in Inner Mongolia (A case of study of Hohhot City)


From the 1990s, marketing structure and transaction pattern of Inner Mongolia have been changing extensively. Establishment of milk station is a chance for the dairy farmers, who do not own the milking facilities, have to take dairy cows to the milk station and to sell their fresh milk. Concerning the fresh milk transaction, the milk station is functioning to intensify the small scaled farmers, to stabilize the security of fresh milk and to strengthen hygiene management by controlling the quality of fresh milk for the milk makers.0n the other hand, it also reduces the investment of milking facility and stabilizes the destination of product for the small scaled dairy farmers. It can be clearly investigated that there are 5 types of milk transaction pattern for the dairy farmers in Hohhot city. Particularly, Dairy farming cooperatives and large scale dairy fanning area make contract with the milk makers, which is composed of 46% of the whole region. From now on, as increasing demand of the milk and dairy product in which large proportion of the fresh milk is mainly provided by the small scaled dairy farmers, those contract patterns of milk stations will be spread in the milk market of Inner Mongolia.90年代以降,内モンゴルにおける生乳の流通構造と取引形態が大きく変わりつつある.乳業メーカーの設立した搾乳ステーションを契機に自ら搾乳施設を持っていない酪農家は乳牛を搾乳ステーションまで移動させ搾乳し,生乳の販売が行われるようになっている.フフホト市における酪農家の生乳の取引形態により生乳を直接販売する酪農家,出荷先を選択できる酪農家,合作社乳牛養殖酪農家,大規模酪農家団地,乳業メーカーの直営牧場の5つに類型化できることが明らかになった.このうち,合作社乳牛養殖小区と大規模酪農団地のタイプは乳業メーカーと契約があり,生乳の生産量はフフホト市全体の46%を占めている.今後も牛乳・乳製品の需要が増加する一方,生乳の提供主体は零細酪農であるため,内モンゴルの乳業市場においては契約により搾乳ステーションが普及すると考えられる.一方,内モンゴルにおいては零細な酪農家の集約化に伴い,多様な酪農経営形態が生み出され,取引形態による生乳価格に格差がある.このような様々な集約により生乳の取引価格に格差があり,大規模乳業メーカーの市場支配力が高まり,乳業にも酪農にもおいて二極化が進む可能性が高いと考えられる.さらに,乳業メーカーとの契約がある酪農家の生乳の取引価格が高く,集約化が進展しているが,この大規模乳業メーカーの支配力が過度に高まることにより取引価格下落が懸念される

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