
The learning technologies of the future: technologies that learn?


Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) operate in a borderless and complex environment, abundant in potentially useful information. The Creating Academic Learning Futures (CALF) research project, carried out in partnership by the University of Leicester and University College Falmouth in the UK, involves the development of approaches and tools for structuring and filtering information, in order to facilitate institutional decision-making in participative and creative ways. One of the aims of the CALF project is to involve students in creating and exploring a variety of plausible ‘alternative futures’ for learning and teaching technologies in higher education. This paper discusses some of the issues that are emerging in the course of the research process and presents ideas for the future, grounded in and emergent from ‘student voices’ from the CALF research project. Students expected the technologies of the near future to enable them to become co-creators in their own education processes. The future scenarios imagined the rise of learning technologies which instead of becoming outdated with use, become more valuable as more user-generated content is invested, technologies which are truly learning in that they learn about their users and constantly morph/adapt to their users’ needs. Finally, increasing virtualisation was a recurrent theme across most student-generated scenarios. The paper concludes with a discussion of some of the strengths and limitations of using technologies for involving students in creative activities for generating future scenarios for higher education. The technologies used by the project enabled collaborative creative thinking across a broader spectrum of possibilities about the relationship between the present and the future of higher education

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