Projeto Radiografia da Amazônia: colorização e estratificação vegetal de imagem SAR


The systematic mapping of the Amazon region have been presented as a great challenge for the Division of Geographical Service (DSG Diretoria de Serviço Geográfico) of the Brazilian Army due to its large territorial extension and the difficulties it presents for the use of conventional techniques. In order to face this challenge and given the importance of the region to Brazil, the DSG is running the project known as "Radiography of the Amazon" (RAM). This project uses imaging technology of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), in the P and X bands, to overcome the problem caused by the presence of permanent clouds in the region. This project has generated a significant amount of images, which allows the description of geographical features of the canopy trees (X band) and at ground level (P band). These images, in the amplitude format, have been used to create grayscale image maps in the 1:50,000 scale. This cartographic material has the disadvantage of absence of color which affect the interpretation and identification of targets. Within this context was developed by DSG, a method of colorization and vegetation stratification, based on techniques of digital image processing to generate color synthetic images by adding the color attribute to the grayscale images generated by the SAR. This paper aims to present this methodology, some results obtained by its use in the RAM project and its potential to highlight information facilitating the interpretation of SAR data.Pages: 2022-202

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