Detecção de slope streaks em imagens da superfície de Marte


Slope streaks are dark, narrow, fan-shaped features which extend down slope on Martian surface. They often exhibit a low-albedo and are seen in equatorial regions. The nature of slope streaks remains uncertain. On the basis of observed morphologies, two types of models have been proposed: dry mass movement in the form of dust avalanches and wet liquid flow that transport, lubricates or stains the surface material. To date, over 200 new slope streaks have been detected and documented. While many new streaks have been documented, no disappearing streaks had ever been observed. Although there are a considerable number of researchers studying this phenomenon, their detection is still performed manually by specialists. Until the moment, the approaches of automated identification of Martian surface phenomena focus only on craters, valleys and trails of dust devils. In regard, the aim of this paper is to perform initial tests for automatic detection of slope streaks in digital images of the Mars planet. Therefore, were applied in test areas, morphological filtering to eliminate the gradient lighting and then the images were binarized. The results can be used to understand the basic properties of this planet, for example, a cycle of dust, water cycle and climate change in scale of hundreds of years.Pages: 8062-806

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