Integração de informações de multi-sensores para estimar alterações da rugosidade hidráulica da várzea do Baixo Amazonas em função da remoção da floresta inundável


This paper describes the integration of floodplain cover types mapped from MSS and TM Landsat images and floodplain topographic data from SRTM to estimate changes in the hydraulic roughness caused by floodplain forest removal in the last forty years. Land cover maps representing each decade (1970 and 2000) were overlaid to a floodplain height map following the concept of high and low varzea proposed by Whittmann et al. (2002, 2004). A look up table of hydraulic roughness coefficient based on published data was then used to compute the hydraulic roughness in both decades and assess the percent change and the impact of deforestation on the hydraulic roughness coefficient. Results showed that the integration of theory on vegetation resistance to flow and different types of remote sensing derived data allowed to estimate the spatial distribution of hydraulic roughness in the lower Amazon floodplain and to compute the loss in hydraulic resistance in a reach stretching from Parintins (AM) to Almeirim (PA).Pages: 5193-520

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