Comparação entre parâmetros morfométricos de bacias hidrográficas gerados por dados SRTM e ASTER GDEM: estudo de caso para bacias do Vale do Jequitinhonha-MG


This study compared the influence of image resolution SRTM and ASTER in morphometric analysis of five sub-basins of the river Jequitinhonha: Ribeirão Caraíbas, Ribeirão Ilha do Pão, Ribeirão Prates, Ribeirão Pasmado e Ribeirão Santo Antônio. The hydrography of the sub-basins was extracted from both types of images. Morphometric variables were calculated from the sub-basins, including: perimeter, area, coefficient of compactness, total length of canals, slope and drainage density. It was possible to visualize the areas and perimeters of the sub-basins were observed did not differ significantly. Compactness all coefficient values obtained were higher for unit 1, indicating that the sub-basins are elongated shape. Comparing the lengths of channels between the SRTM and ASTER images, we can see a considerable difference. The values obtained in ASTER images tend to be higher, ie, due to a better resolution of the image resulting in a more detailed delineation of the basins. The results of the drainage density calculations show that the sub-watersheds have low density. It is notable that generate high resolution images in more detail in the definition of basins, however, in some cases, these details large, difficult to visualize and understand the basin generated.Pages: 5443-545

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