Estimativa e espacialização da erosividade para as bacias hidrográficas dos rios Guapi-Macacu e Caceribu


Soil losses caused by rain events depend not only on the resistance that the soil offers to raindrop impact, but also on the rain kinetic energy, its intensity and duration. The influence of these factors on the rain capacity to cause erosion is estimated by the erosivity index -- the two most cited in the technical literature are EI30 and KE > 25. This study aims to estimate the erosivity indexes based on rainfall data of 19 stations and to present the spatial distribution on the watersheds of Guapi-Macacu and Caceribu rivers. The method applied allowed to analyse the distribution of the erosivity on this area and show that they are greater on the North of the area in all months. The results showed that, although both indexes have shown major differences in terms of their absolute values or their magnitude, they have similar behavior in terms of their relative values and their distribution in the study area.Pages: 4109-411

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