Correções atmosféricas 6s e DOS na caracterização espectral de alvos naturais de Ilha Grande utilizando dados do sensor TM 5


In acquisition of satellites imagery the sensor detects the REM emitted by the target after the interaction with the atmosphere. To spectral characterization of a target is necessary to go through the process of radiometric calibration and atmospheric correction. There are several methods for atmospheric correction that reduce atmospheric effects. These methods may allow different spectral signature of the target. The aim of this work was analyze the methods of atmospheric corrections 6s and DOS in characterization of spectral comportment in all bands of sensor in the burned and unburned vegetation areas and water pond in the Parque Nacional de Ilha Grande after much burned occurred on Dez/2008. Six Landsat 5 images, TM sensor were used. After four month of performance by burning, these suffered the process of geometric and radiometric correction. Was observed that the method of atmospheric correction 6s showed great efficiency in characterization of spectral comportment of vegetation burned and unburned compared with the method DOS. It occurs because this method considers the scattering and absorption atmospheric and conditions of image acquisition.Pages: 7456-746

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