Modelo agrometeorológico para a estimava de produtividade do café nos municípios de  Barreiras e Prado no Estado da Bahia


This study aimed to use the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and evapotranspiration in the estimated production and productivity of coffee plantations in the municipalities of Barreiras and Prado in State of Bahia. With EVI data, we defined the period information of 18 February 2000 to 19 December 2010. In this period, we calculated the average and maximum values of the vegetation index in the mapped area with coffee in each municipality. The predictive model is based on FAO model, but with the use of satellite information. The model was calibrated with data from years 2000 to 2007, resulting in an equation of linear trend analysis for each municipality. These results allowed to estimate the productivity of the production for the years 2008 to 2010. The results with the model generated based on vegetation index mapped area, estimated values close to those generated by the organs oficiais. The best results with data were found to municipalitie of Barreiras. However, the productivity estimated by the model used in this study did not achieve satisfactory results when compared to other models generalizing, which generally apply well to cultivation of larger areas, larger plantations and regular growing season. It should be noted that even with this model is still considered effective because it represent the real behavior vegetative.Pages: 1688-169

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