Aplicação de métodos de interpolação espacial em dados batimétricos: estudo de caso do Alto curso do rio Paraná


Bathymetric map is a very important product for understand the dynamics morphological and hydraulics variables of rivers. The precision of bathymetric map is determined by spatial interpolation employed for to spatialize discrete points or cross sections. The aim of work was analysis methods of spatial interpolation of bathymetric data in generation bathymetric surface in one section of Upper Parana River. For this, were applied ordinary kriging and IDW spatial interpolations. The results obtained were bathymetric maps showed the continue variations of depth of channel. Overview the maps demonstrated similarity with exception of IDW spatial interpolation that created shallow and deep regions with concentric forms. By statistical evaluation the less valor of RMSE was found in anisotropic ordinary kriging with spatial trend extracted increased the performance in 16.6% at relation the same technique with spatial trend. However with extraction of spatial trend of bathymetric data for IDW increased about 50% of RMSE smoothing the depth of channel. Cross section in Upper Parana River validated that anisotropic ordinary kriging without spatial trend obtained more similarity with actual bathymetric variation, beyond showed less RMSE. The others spatial interpolation techniques used smoothing the morphology of channel not representing satisfactorily the variation of depth of Parana River.Pages: 4250-425

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