Neuropsychological assessment of perceptive and motor functions of children with craniofacial anomalies
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- Bauru
Introduction: The craniofacial anomalies are among the most frequent humans congenital malformations and require multidisciplinary, comprehensive and specialized care. Congenital anomalies affect about 5% of live births worldwide, constituting a diverse and complex group. Its generic denomination includes isolated and multiple anomalies of genetic or not-genetic etiology. Normally, it refers to a situation where the skull and / or facial contouring show changes. Among them are: cleft lip and palate, craniosynostosis, holoprosencephaly, otomandibulares defects and neural tube closure affecting the cephalic pole, and syndromic multisystem, like the fetal alcohol syndrome and Stickler, among others. Objective: To evaluate the neuropsychological functions of children with craniofacial anomalies. Methods: Study participants were 14 children aged 7-12 years of both genres. Used tools: Neuropsychological Examination - BANI-TS Test Chart Percept Motor-Bender and Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices. Results: Although the subjects demonstrate average intelligence coefficient (IQ) for their age, they showed 88% of injury, below the in-Percepto Motor Skills average. On the motor functions, the average performance achieved is 67.83%, and higher visual functions the average is 65.47%. Conclusion: Although they demonstrate average IQ, the subjects show impairments in motor and perceptive neuropsychological functions