Gesture unit segmentation using support vector machines: segmenting gestures from rest positions


Gesture analysis has been widely used for developing new\ud methods of human-computer interaction. The advancement\ud reached in the gesture analysis area is also motivating its\ud application to automate tasks related to discourse analysis,\ud such as the gesture phases segmentation task. In this paper,\ud we present an initiative that aims at segmenting gestures,\ud especially considering the \units" { the larger grain involved\ud in gesture phases segmentation. Thereunto, we have captured\ud the gestures using a Xbox KinectTMdevice, modeled\ud the problem as a classi cation task, and applied Support\ud Vector Machines. Moreover, aiming at taking advantage\ud from the temporal aspects involved in the problem, we have\ud used several types of data pre-processing in order to consider\ud time domain and frequency domain featuresThe first author thanks São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP/Brazil) - process number 2011/04608-

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