Clinical versus laboratory adhesive performance to wet and dry demineralized primary dentin


Purpose: To evaluate the influence of dentin moisture on bond strengths of an etch-and-rinse bonding agent to primary dentin clinically and in the laboratory. Methods: The sample consisted of two groups of 20 caries-free primary second molars: molars in exfoliation period (clinical group) and extracted molars (laboratory group). Class I cavities were prepared in all specimens leaving a flat dentin surface on the pulpal floor. A two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive was vigorously rubbed on either dry (n= 5) or wet demineralized dentin (n= 5) under clinical or laboratory conditions. After restorative procedures, the teeth from the clinical group were extracted after 20 minutes. All samples were processed and underwent microtensile bond strength test and silver nitrate uptake evaluation under scanning electron microscopy. Results: Statistically higher bond strength values were observed when the bonding was performed under laboratory conditions and on a wet demineralized dentin. Most of the failures were adhesive and mixed irrespective of the experimental condition. Silver nitrate uptake occurred in all groups irrespective of the experimental condition. Resin-dentin bond strengths produced in the laboratory in primary teeth may overestimate those produced under clinical circumstances. (Am J Dent 2011;24:221-225)

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