A comparison of Chinese and Australian university students\u27 attitudes towards plagiarism


Student plagiarism is a growing problem within Australian universities and abroad. Potentially exacerbating this situation, research indicates that students\u27 attitudes toward plagiarism are typically more permissive and lenient than the policies of their tertiary institutions. There has been suggestion that this is especially so in Asian countries relative to Western countries; however, very little research has sought to empirically validate this suggestion. Moreover, existing research in this area has typically compared international and domestic students studying in Western countries. As yet, no studies have directly compared Chinese and Australian university students\u27 attitudes toward plagiarism, as they exist within their native countries. Rasch analysis/differential item functioning were conducted to contrast 131 Australian and 173 Chinese undergraduate university students\u27 attitudes towards plagiarism. Results indicated distinct cross-cultural differences in aspects of students\u27 plagiarism attitudes. Regardless of ethnic background, the results highlight undergraduate students\u27 typical lack of understanding of plagiarism and plagiarist behaviours

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