Reconfiguration of Operational Relationships Post the Current Global Economic Crisis


It is likely that classical models of strategic alliances may not be applicable moving forward into the new world economy post the current economic crisis. Traditional business models have considered each part of the business process in isolation, typically finance is remote from new product development, product development is remote from supply chain and operations etc. Prior to the economic crisis it was not unusual to see typical traditional silos within an organization never meeting, posing the question that if internal relationships were never fully forged how could a strong external strategic alliance be built and maintained? Furthermore, this silo based approach seems to have been more prevalent in government and not for profit organizations where clear lines of departmental demarkation have remained the mainstay of management practice throughout the generations of stewardship. This article discusses the principle models of dip dynamics and sustainable dependency interaction in the light of developing strategic alliances within the new world economy. Furthermore, the article will argue that it is in everybody\u27s best interest to maintain an environment of fiscal and environmental well being. By drawing on global research, a new roadmap is offered for all parties involved in the reconfiguration of their strategic alliances

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